Podcast: Skip and Shannon: Undisputed

Recently in English Class, for our independent assignments, we are listening to podcast episodes. One podcast I have been listening to for quite some time now is Skip and Shannon: Undisputed. This is a podcast that talks about the recent major events and drama in the sports world. The speakers are Skip Bayless who has earned a reputation through his criticism of Lebron James, and Shannon Sharpe, former NFL tight end. The podcast also contains frequent appearances from Chris Broussard, Cris Carter, and more. The debates are moderated by Joy Taylor.

All of these analysts get together to discuss segments that concern the major recent events and drama in the sports world. Although sometimes, Bayless’s seemingly personal vendetta against Lebron James gets annoying, the podcast is still entertaining. When Bayless gets into this state of mind of attacking Lebron, he fails to analyze anyone else. Despite this, the chemistry between Skip and Shannon, and Shannon’s genuinely funny personality makes the show appealing to me.

The most recent episode I listened to, talked about the drama between Kevin Durant, snake, traitor, and superstar small forward for the golden state warriors and Draymond Green, all-star power forward for the golden state warriors. The tension between the two has been existent for quite some time now, but after a recent game, this tension has become more serious. Towards the final seconds of a one-possession game, Draymond Green had received the rebound. He brought the ball up, ignoring Kevin Durant (the better scorer) and his calls for the ball in order to tie or win the game. Draymond Green takes the ball up the court and turns it over, causing the warriors to lose the game.

After the game, the drama continued. Kevin Durant and Draymond were seen having an “aggressive argument” and after the game, both refused to address the situation.

Both Skip and Shannon and many other analysts agree that this situation is no big deal this season for the warrior’s goals of winning the championship. The situation will be resolved by the start of the postseason. But, this tension would still exist. The debate that this provokes is of Kevin Durant’s upcoming free agency. He could end up signing with another team. Or, Draymond Green could get traded. Either way, this situation highlights the drama of the sports world and the implications of these small tensions on the larger goals of the team. aHR0cHM6Ly9kZmtmajhqMjc2d3d2LmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2ltYWdlcy9hNC8zMy8xOC81Ny9hNDMzMTg1Ny0wNDdlLTQxZWEtODAzOC00N2RmYzA3NzBiMDgvYWZhOGZjMDhlNzA1NWZlYjcxMjY4NzlmODQwNDU1OGYyMTFlY2ZkMWYyNGZlZW


2 thoughts on “Podcast: Skip and Shannon: Undisputed

  1. I’ve seen multiple tweets and articles about this one topics and I think its so interesting how big of deal this has become. I also believe that Draymond Green is just not that great as Kevin Durant yet he acts like he is. It would be funny to see how this feud unravels in the future, maybe you can do a followup blog post if anything interesting happens 🙂


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