How I fell in love with Game of Thrones

Recently in English class, we came across an article written by Avery Erwin entitled, “How I fell out of love with the internet”. After reading this, I wrote this post in a similar format.


  1. Discover the show

Observe the hype surrounding the latest season of the show. Notice the tweets, memes, and discussions online about references to the show. Listen to your friends talk about the show. Feel bad that you cannot understand these references or participate in these conversations. Put the show on the top of your “things to watch next list”. Tell yourself that you will watch the show as soon as you have time.

  1. Find time to watch the show

It’s summer break. Find a part time job at a lake as a lifeguard. Watch your coworkers binge Netflix during their breaks. Realize that now is the perfect time to start the show.

  1. Find a way to watch the show

Look for the show on Netflix. Realize it’s not there. HBO Go is not worth the money. Hulu is not worth the money. Give up. Realize Hulu is in fact worth the money. Buy a hulu subscription with a 2 week free trial.

  1. Start the show

Begin season one episode one of the show. Realize why the show is critically acclaimed and believed by many to be “the GOAT TV show”. Meet the characters of the show. Notice that they all look similar. Become confused by which one is which. Continue on to episode 2. Realize that the Lannisters are awful people (except for Tyrion).

  1. Fall in love with the show

Come home from work and realize that you have the next week off. Spend the next 6 days eating, sleeping, and watching the show. Become attached to some characters. Cry when those characters die. Develop a hatred for other characters. Celebrate when those characters die. Thank George R. R. Martin for creating this beautiful emotional rollercoaster ride.

  1. Spread the love for the show

Start talking to your friends about the show. Convince your friends who haven’t seen the show to watch the show. Talk to them as they go through the emotional rollercoaster you did. Discuss theories and predictions about the next season.

  1. Plan to read the books next summer

Get excited for the summer. Plan to read the books after the show ends.


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